PORN TO PIZZA — Domestic Clichés

p2pKate Durbin, Hello Selfie!, Documentation of a performance, 2015 / courtesy the artist / photo © Jessie Askina


PORN TO PIZZA — Domestic Clichés

Curated by Tina Sauerlaender, peer to space

PREVIEW PIZZA PARTY September 4, 2015,  7-10 PM
ARTIST TALK September 6, 2015, 3 PM
With coffee and cake and in English language
CURATOR ́S TOUR & TALK September 18, 2015, 4 PM
EXHIBITION September 5 to October 24, 2015

Works by Anthony Antonellis (US), Kim Asendorf and Ole Fach (DE), Domenico Barra (IT), Petra Cortright (US), Kate Durbin (US), Carla Gannis (US), Laurence Gartel (US), Emilie Gervais (FR), Claudia Hart (US), Paul Hertz (US), Faith Holland (US), Lindsay Lawson (US/DE), Jessica Lichtenstein (US), Patrick Lichty (US), Mark Napier (US), Eva Papamargariti (GR/UK), Angelo Plessas (GR), Hayley Aviva Silverman (US), Cornelia Sollfrank (DE), Jonny Star (DE)

DAM Gallery exhibition page


Star Trek Pizza Pool PartyAnthony Antonellis, Star Trek Pizza Pool Part, Video animation (still), 2013


PORN TO PIZZA — Domestic Clichés

Many things sustain our personal comfort zones—eating delicious food, cuddling with cats, decorating homes, having sex, watching porn on TV and the Internet.

Porn, Pets, Plants and Pizza, the 4P of domestic clichés, broadly found their way from real life into the virtual space of the Internet. The Word Wide Web became part of our daily surrounds. We are permanently linked to the world outside our living room. Information comes in and we post personal things and experiences. Domesticity extended from IRL to URL. But the Internet is not a mirror of real life, it is a hyperrealistic version. Like filling a photo album, we single out images, posting only the funniest cat video, the most arousing sex tape, the yummiest food or the coolest selfie.

In addition, photographs and digital images merge on our screens. Fictional and real world objects stand right next to each other. And some virtual simulations imitate reality to the extent that they can no longer be distinguished from photos. But how then do we know the truth? Imagery in the age of the Internet requires a change of thinking. Everything we see is real, because we see it, no matter how it is fabricated or which “parallel world” it belongs to. In terms of domesticity, this is especially hard to admit, because human behavior is deeply rooted in the sensual and tactile and not only in the visual: like eating, cuddling or having sex.

Artists working with the Internet or digital means haven taken up the hyperrealistic images and the problematic of the real to reflect on the Internet’s and the Digital’s impact on today’s domestic spheres and personal comfort zones. Some artists exaggerate this imagery or play with the amateur aesthetics of found footage or YouTube videos to satirically emphasize the difference between the banal imagery and high art context. Others develop contrasting domestic versions and mix IRL and URL. The digital creation of objects and their surfaces plays an important role as well as producing real life sculptures with new materials in the context of the Internet and its virtual characteristics.

These artworks often reference Pop Art with its inclusion of imagery from daily life or mass culture in art, the use of banal, comic, or even kitschy elements, exaggeration and irony, the appropriation of found materials, collage, mechanical (re)production, or experimenting with new techniques of materials from other contexts.

The exhibition PORN TO PIZZA — Domestic Clichés presents varied ways of artistic production in the age of the Internet, dealing with its features and its impact on every day culture. Here, domesticity is a very pervasive topic, because it reveals how private daily life has changed with the Internet and how the conflict of the “real vs. virtual” invades our personal comfort zones.