NoNameMagazine – NNM.Visual.Interview

I did a visual interview with NNM.Studio Lima, check it out here:


NNM.Visual.Interviews (Experimental Approach)

NNM.Studio will call the artist to his/her cell phone every 30-45 minutes (random time laps) as a call to action during one hole day. The interviewed artist will take a picture of his/her environment or the situation in which he/she is or can take a”snapshot” of their computer screen each time he/she is called by NNM.Studio. (The answer, photo or snapshot, must be taken immediately after NNM’s call, regardless of the situation in which the interviewed artist is at that time). This response to the call must be emailed to NNM.Studio right after it has been taken. The artist may include an explanation text and may or may not appear in the images taken. This NNM.Project aims to interact with the interviewee’s daily life, keeping his daily comfort and pace of life without having to enter in a “interview” context. The idea is to capture the different moments / situations that are part of the respondent’s life and try to draw a “map of his/her day.”

See more at:

Posted Wednesday, 26 June 2013